Ruihua-Bio Showcases Taiwan’s Beauty Technology Excellence at Cosmobeauté Vietnam
睿驊生技,台灣領先的美容保養品代工廠,於今年的越南 Cosmobeauté Vietnam 美容及化妝品展覽會中展示其創新產品與專業技術。這項展覽於 2023 年 7 月 27 日至 29 日在越南胡志明西貢會展中心盛大舉行。
Cosmobeauté Vietnam 展覽會被譽為越南最具規模和影響力的美容美髮盛事,不僅吸引了來自越南本土,還有東南亞地區其他國家的美容保養專業人士參與。睿驊生技此次參展,旨在向國際市場展現台灣傲人的美容科技實力,並與來自不同地域的業界人士進行深入交流合作。
Ruihua-Bio, a leading beauty and skincare brand from Taiwan, proudly announces its participation in this year’s Cosmobeauté Vietnam, a prestigious beauty and cosmetics exhibition in Ho Chi Minh City. The event is set to take place from July 27th to 29th, 2023, at the Saigon Exhibition and Convention Center.
Since its inception, Ruihua-Bio has been dedicated to developing the highest-quality beauty and skincare products while integrating cutting-edge technologies to drive industry advancements. Our commitment to “Made in Taiwan” and stringent quality control has garnered widespread recognition for our brand both locally and globally.
At the exhibition, Ruihua-Bio will feature a wide range of market-leading beauty and skincare products, including facial care, body treatments, anti-aging solutions, and skin brightening products. Our expert team will be on hand to provide comprehensive explanations and demonstrations, allowing visitors to fully appreciate the uniqueness of our offerings.
- 展出日期:2023 年 7 月 27 日至 29 日
- 地點:越南胡志明西貢會展中心
- 展位編號:B126、B128

About Ruihua-Bio
Ruihua-Bio is a leading beauty and skincare brand from Taiwan, committed to providing the highest-quality skincare products that combine innovative technology with professional expertise, allowing each customer to radiate confidence and beauty. Our products have received widespread acclaim and are cherished by consumers worldwide.